If your best efforts at diet and exercise haven’t been able to prevent the skin on your thighs from rubbing together or saddlebags from forming on the outer thighs, then a thigh lift can help contour the skin on your thighs, removing excess skin and fat and leaving smoother skin and better shape in its place. A thigh lift, sometimes known as a thighplasty, can have you back in shorts or mini-skirts for the first time in years, proud of your leaner, more youthful-looking legs.


Women and men in the Acadiana area often seek out a thigh lift after losing a significant amount of weight and struggling with the excess, loose skin that can pool on their inner and outer thighs. Likewise, factors including age and genetics can also affect the way your legs look. If you have some loose skin on your thighs, the experts at Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana can help.

At Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana, Drs. Lupo can help you look and feel your best from head to toe, including sculpting your thighs to create more comfort and contour. They can also help you determine what type of lift would be most appropriate for your body. Thigh lifts can also be combined with liposuction, tummy tucks, breast lifts or full body lifts, depending on your individual needs and goals.


Before you schedule a thigh lift or any other cosmetic procedure, you should first consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has a wealth of experience performing thigh lifts and the other services you are interested in. At Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana, Drs. Lupo offer a unique combination of technical skill, artistry and customer care for their patients. Prior to your thigh lift, they can meet with you to discuss:

  • The specifics of the actual thigh lift procedure as well as the various options available in thighplasty
  • Your goals for your inner and outer thighs and your overall look
  • Previous medical history as well as use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
  • Pre-surgery prep and post-surgery recovery plans
  • Concerns, questions, costs, benefits and more
  • Any other cosmetic services you are interested in

The success of your cosmetic surgery ultimately depends on your openness and ability to communicate, so make sure that you discuss any medications that you are taking as well as your current diet and exercise regimen, and you should ask any questions you might have about a thigh lift.

While the skin does lose some firmness with age, the results of a thigh lift are generally long-lasting and eye-catching. A thigh lift can lift your spirits as well as your legs.

With expert care in Lafayette, Louisiana, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana provides the best in plastic and cosmetic services.


The surgeons at Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana at Lafayette General have helped many Southern Louisiana women improve their appearance with plastic surgery. They provide a safe and supportive atmosphere so that patients feel comfortable speaking openly about their concerns and goals. To learn more about thigh lifts, you can request your appointment online and learn how you can receive a private consultation with one of our surgeons.