Are You a Good Candidate for an Upper Arm Lift?

Published on November 23, 2021
By Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana
Brachioplasty or upper arm lift helps reshape arms by removing excess fat and tightening loose skin. Even regular exercises may do nothing to make upper arms look flattering. This leaves you resorting to plastic surgery to reduce excess skin and fat in your arms.
What Is an Upper Arm Lift?
An upper arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses general anesthesia. During the procedure, your surgeon removes excess arm fat and skin from between your elbow and armpit.
Who Qualifies for an Upper Arm Lift?
If you have excessively loose skin on the underside of your upper arm, you qualify. While a good diet and exercise can improve the appearance of your upper arms, your arms can retain loose skin that will not go away. Below are reasons why you may be a good candidate for an upper arm lift:
You have a relatively stable weight
You are not overweight
You have lost a significant amount of weight resulting in loose skin
You are committed and maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet
You are not a smoker
You are healthy with no medical conditions that can jeopardize healing
Your arm skin is loose because of aging
How You Can Prepare
Initially, you will go for a consultation with your plastic surgeon. During the first visit, be ready to answer questions about any medical conditions you have had in the past or you are currently experiencing. You will talk about the medication you recently took and whether you have ever undergone any surgery.
Your doctor will examine your upper arm undersides to determine the treatment that will suit you. You should also expect your doctor to take pictures of your arms to fill your medical record. You will discuss your expectations and the risks and benefits of undergoing the procedure.
For more on being a good candidate for an upper arm lift, contact Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana at our office in Lafayette, Louisiana. You can call (337) 504-3640 today to book an appointment.