What Are The Costs Associated With Breast Surgery?

Published on October 16, 2019
By Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana
Breast surgery remains one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery in the United States with tens of thousands of women undergoing one of the several forms of possible breast surgeries every year. Nevertheless, altering the appearance of your breasts isn’t something to be undertaken lightly, particularly as the process does require a financial investment. Many people automatically assume that the costs associated with breast surgery are going to mean that they are unable to benefit from their chosen procedure, but this is rarely the case. In fact, breast surgery is more affordable and accessible than ever before.
Types of Breast Surgery
Breast augmentation may be the most well-known type of breast surgery, but there are also others that can transform your shape and restore your confidence in your appearance.
Breast augmentation. The goal of breast augmentation surgery is to increase the size of the natural breasts. This can be done using implants (which can be made of silicone or filled with saline) or using the transfer of fat from another part of your body.
Breast lift. This is where the position of the breasts is altered and lifted higher onto the chest so that the breasts look fuller and more youthful. It is particularly popular amongst women who have lost weight or have had children and feel that lost volume and stretched skin have caused their breasts to sag.
Breast reduction. As its name suggests, this procedure is used to reduce the size of the breasts. It is most often recommended for patients who are experiencing problems due to the size of their breasts. This can include back and neck pain, difficulty participating in sports and more.
Breast reconstruction. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or if you are at a significant risk of breast cancer, you may have undergone a single or double mastectomy. This procedure can cause women to feel self-conscious about the appearance of their chest. Reconstruction procedures are able to restore your shape and confidence.
What Does The Cost I’ve Been Quoted For Breast Surgery Include?
Exactly what is included in the cost you have been quoted for your breast surgery will depend on your individual provider and the type of breast procedure that you have chosen. However, in most instances you can expect your quotation to include:
Your surgeon’s fees
The cost of the anesthesia
Any implants that you may be having
An overnight stay in your surgeon’s hospital or medical facility
Food and drink for the duration of your proposed stay
Pain and other medications that you are provided
All aftercare appointments specified
It is important that you take the time to ask your surgeon about the possibility of any additional fees as this will help you to be prepared in case further services are required after your procedure.
Are There Payment Plans Available?
Many cosmetic surgery providers do give patients the option of a payment plan. This makes cosmetic surgery procedures including those relating to breast augmentations, lifts, reductions and reconstructions more accessible to a wide range of patients.
If you are interested in breast surgery and would like to obtain a quotation for your body transformation, please contact Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Acadiana in Lafayette, LA who will be happy to schedule you a confidential consultation so that you can obtain accurate costings based on your individual circumstances (337) 226-0400.